by NZRise Chair | Jan 12, 2017 | News
NZRise members have recently been enthusiastically discussing “10 of my secrets on how to sell to the UK Public Sector” by Mary McKenna, a Tech Entrepreneur and Investor from Ireland. The article resonates strongly with New Zealand owned Digital and...
by NZRise Chair | Nov 29, 2016 | News
NZRise is delighted to note Labour’s forward thinking, particularly within the Technology section of their “The Future of Work” Paper, encapsulating the results of 2 year’s work by their “Future of Work Commission”. “We admire and fully...
by NZRise Chair | Nov 27, 2016 | News
NZRise members support Open Standards and New Zealand’s commitment to Open Standards as a member of the Digital 5 Nations (D5). We encourage NZ Government Agencies to take a proactive view and align with the goals of the D5 which will directly support...
by NZRise Chair | Nov 11, 2016 | News
NZRise members attended our end of year meeting in subdued mood on Wednesday. A mood that seems to be shared by many businesses and other organisations. The unfolding electoral map of the USA filled NZRise attendees with a feeling of impending doom. So, whilst it may...
by NZRise Chair | Nov 8, 2016 | News
NZRise is considering the cost of engagement with NZ Government procurement processes from a business perspective and are initially interested in understanding the estimated cost to NZ Digital and Technology companies when responding to a NZ Government tenders –...