NZRise welcome Labour’s “Future of Work” paper

NZRise is delighted to note Labour’s forward thinking, particularly within the Technology section of their “The Future of Work” Paper, encapsulating the results of 2 year’s work by their “Future of Work Commission”. “We admire and fully...

NZRise Response To US Election Results

NZRise members attended our end of year meeting in subdued mood on Wednesday. A mood that seems to be shared by many businesses and other organisations. The unfolding electoral map of the USA filled NZRise attendees with a feeling of impending doom. So, whilst it may...

The cost of Responding to NZ Government Tenders

NZRise is considering the cost of engagement with NZ Government procurement processes from a business perspective and are initially interested in understanding the estimated cost to NZ Digital and Technology companies when responding to a NZ Government tenders –...