NZRise welcomes the Wellington Tech Community to get together in the spirit of Techweek for a pint and a catchup at the Fork & Brewer on Bond Street in Wellington from 4.30pm on Wednesday 10 May.

Come along, bring a fellow techie and join us to catch up with your colleagues from the coolest little capital.

Please RSVP and share. It’s free to attend (thanks to NZRise members for sponsoring!)

About Techweek:
Techweek is committed to encouraging global thought leadership from the edge of the world, and growing NZ into a global technology and innovation hub.
Each event is run independently by enthusiasts and experts from diverse fields. In 2017, Techweek has expanded to become a nationwide initiative, with more than 100 events curated into a diverse programme focused on finding local answers to global questions.
Visit the Techweek website.

About NZRise:
We are a group of business leaders from NZ-owned IT firms who have formed NZRise as a non-profit New Zealand incorporated society.
NZRise exists to represent the interests of NZ-owned digital technology businesses (we use the terms IT and “digital technology” interchangeably).
NZRise and its member companies are passionate about New Zealand technology and believe our IT industry can be a hotbed of innovation and growth. We believe New Zealand’s unique economic and cultural context provides the ideal conditions for building an industry that can meet world demand for agility, rapid development, collaboration, and innovation.
Find out more about NZRise.

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