Has the cost of doing business with the government changed since 2016?

In 2016 we conducted a survey to find out the cost of doing business with the government via its tender process, and 3 years later, we’d love to know if that has changed.  View the 2016 results here.

With the recent consultation on  Government Rules of Sourcing taking place NZRise members have been discussing the cost of doing business with NZ Government again so checking in on whether our feedback has improved – or worsened – the cost model seemed timely.

This survey has the same 3 questions as the 2016 version, so we’re able to compare like for like.  However it is very hard to form a concrete conclusion without transparent reporting or data provided on number of tenders issued, number of respondents, tender values, lifetime value or the procurement etc.  NZRise has submitted our expectations on basic transparency reporting by all Government agencies to MBIE in recent months.

Note – There are so many elements to measure as contributing costs – labour/time spent writing a response, loss of productivity/revenue when utilising otherwise chargeable resources in preparing the response, insurance uplift to meet Government agency requirements, just to name some.

Please take five-ten minutes to answer 3 questions; try to answer honestly and accurately.  Your answers remain confidential, unless you choose to disclose otherwise.  There is a box for short comments at the end of the survey.

Our aim is to gather feedback from as many organisations as possible, so please share this survey link with anyone you know who tries to do business with the government.  Like the 2016 survey, we will publish a blog with the results.

Click this link to complete the survey.

Ngā mihi, Victoria MacLennan, Co-Chair NZRise.

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