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Read all about our newest NZRise member, Jim Boutcher from Givahoy.

Jim Boutcher
What does being a local NZ company mean to you?
Being a local NZ company means that any success is grounded in where I live. I’m not working in isolation, but in an ecosystem of committed and effective people.

How has technology changed our relationships in your everyday world?
Technology has enabled shared interests to be retained without geographic restrictions. No matter how esoteric one’s peccadilloes (or how far one’s football team has fallen down the ladder) there are always others with whom to commune/commiserate…

What’s the biggest business lesson you’ve learnt?
Givahoy is still very early stage, so aware that I have many lessons yet to go, but I’m really responding to the idea that working alone is failing alone. If someone steals your idea, then that’s on them – you know the context better and can always execute more effectively, staying true to important ideals.

Why did you get involved with NZRise?
I joined NZ Rise to help me be a part of the ecosystem, and if I can input, I will.

What problem does your company solve and for whom?
Givahoy is being built to enable simple, free payments to charities, removing all unnecessary hurdles to giving. “Why would you not give?”

If someone wants to know more about what you do, how can they contact you?
I can be contacted initially @newzedland on the Twitter and [email protected]

What do you find most challenging about being a NZ company?
The biggest challenge in NZ is the size, of course. It’s a small pond, and agreeing with everyone is never easy. So many connections and so few degrees of separation.

Visit Givahoy on the web or Facebook.

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