What the heck is PR Anyway?

What the heck is PR Anyway?

Wednesday 15th October 3.30pm – 5pm Hosted kindly at Grow Wellington (Thanks Meredith Elley) Level 5, 50 Manners St Wellington New Zealand The Google Hangout for the meeting is here   The world of PR can be a confusing one – especially when trying to...
Better APIs for Business

Better APIs for Business

Wednesday 17th September 3.30pm – 5pm Hosted kindly by Boost Level 8, 75 Ghuznee Street, Wellington The Google Hangout for the meeting is here Better APIs for Business is one of the initiatives within the Better Public Services Result 9 programme. Result 9 is...
NZRise pleased with evolution of ICT Policies

NZRise pleased with evolution of ICT Policies

Wednesday 10th September 2014 NZRise pleased with evolution of ICT Policies NZRise is pleased with how political parties are developing their ICT policies but cautions they need a long term effort from Government to put them in place. Don Christie chair of NZRise said...


3.30pm-5pm Wednesday the 20th of August. This month the meeting will be hosted by Catalyst – Level 6 Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street, Wellington. If you are not a member but are interested in joining, drop us a line on Twitter or contact us through the site...