Sustainable Procurement in New Zealand

Sustainable Procurement in New Zealand

The New Zealand Government faces a number of challenges at any given time; more and more it turns to technology as the solution to these challenges. Unfortunately, when an organisation has an immediate problem to solve, less thought is often given to macro-level...

Ewaste and How to Avoid it

Building a digital economy has loads of benefits for the environment. We already have the ability to create tech solutions that solve environmental issues by improving resource efficiency or reducing the effects of damage done so far, but there is a byproduct that is...
New Zealand’s Priorities in the Digital Revolution

New Zealand’s Priorities in the Digital Revolution

Don Christie, Co-Chair of NZRise and CEO of Wellington-based open source specialists Catalyst, spoke at a recent ITP breakfast on how to realise the opportunities presenting themselves to us in the digital sector and how to take everyone on that journey. This post is...

Digital Skills

Digital skills are the skills needed to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create content using information technologies and the Internet. Digital skills can be basic, such as the ability to use email or online banking, through to more advanced skills such as...
Auckland growth for Digital Technology industry

Auckland growth for Digital Technology industry

Victoria and Don, alongside NZRise members Noel and Joe from AMS, met with Mayor Phil Goff and his team recently to discuss the opportunities Auckland presents for our industry and member companies. From our summation of the discussion back to the Mayor: “Like...