We asked you to let us know which Government Agencies are the best and worst at paying their bills. We were surprised to find many agencies were listed as both the best and the worst payers.
The question we asked via our survey of NZRise members was to rate each agency based on – Always Pays On Time, Sometimes Pays On Time, Often Late and Always Late.
The Results Are In
The responses included a long list of agencies. Many had very mixed results but overall the news is pretty good – there were no agencies noted as only Often Late / Always Late – which is great news.
Overall the agency who is the best payer came out as Oranga Tamariki who had the most responses of Always Pay On Time. Sitting with them in the best payers list are other agencies who were also noted as Always Pay On Time. Congratulations to these agencies for prioritising this important function.
Not far behind were Inland Revenue who had a few (but not many) responses of Often Late alongside their Always Pay On Time responses. Sitting with IR are MoJ, DIA and ACC who all shared mostly positive replies with a smattering of complaints.
Rounding out our list as the worst government payers is Ministry of Primary Industries. Again MPI had a mixture of both positive and negative responses from companies. They were however the agency to attract the most negative replies. Some of the comments from the survey included these:
- “To date I don’t think MPI have paid an invoice without multiple chasing attempts. The longest delayed was nearly three months late.”
- and on MFAT “Generally the slowest payers. Often invoices are held up by staff completing PO requirements. 6weeks + is the common average.“

Overall Best Payers
Oranga Tamariki
NZ Police
NZ Defence Force
Ministry of Health
Callaghan Innovation
Department of Conservation

Mostly Good Payers, some complaints
Inland Revenue
Ministry of Justice
Department of Internal Affairs

Worst Government Payers
Ministry of Primary Industries
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Statistics New Zealand
Questions and comments can be directed to the Community Manager via email [email protected]