Don Christie, on behalf of NZRise, has been working with the National Library “Increasingly Digital” project over the past 18 months in a governance role.
The purpose of the Increasingly Digital project was to explore how students and teachers discover, access, use, create, and share resources to support learning in current and future learning environments. The project had a particular focus on Aotearoa New Zealand heritage knowledge and content specifically related to He Tohu and Tuia — Encounters 250.
The project provides a mechanism for schools and communities to create their own narratives and histories. To describe how past events impacted the lives of their ancestors and themselves. Moving NZ to a nation that creates, curates and controls its own destiny is key to a positive digital future.
This was a Treasury funded cross agency project that NZRise and others were asked to support with private sector experience. The project has wrapped up this week.
You can read more about the project here including the approach and resources.
If you would like more information on the project feel free to contact the NZRise Co-Chairs Victoria and Don.