Government Procurement affects many of our members directly, and a great deal more indirectly through how it shapes the industry. As such a big buyer the public sector can make or break a smaller company when it chooses who to partner with.
NZRise has always been engaged in this space, in an effort to encourage more local procurement and build systems that allow smaller kiwi companies to compete on the same playing field as multinationals.
MBIE are ramping up their policy work for the new government around the Review of the Rules of Sourcing and how to incorporate the government’s policy of building a stronger NZ economy through local purchasing. This will be on the next agenda in April. We will be holding a session for our members to come together in Wellington (with conferencing for people outside the city) to seek input on what NZRise’s position should be.
This is a members-only event, so if you would like to join the conversation pleaseĀ get in touch with Caitlin, the Community Manager, about joining ([email protected]).
See you all there!