Leading the Exess team from L to R: Michelle Beavan, Chief Executive Navigator; and Tina Goulter, General Manager.
This blog is to showcase one of our many members, Exess Connectivity, a fast, low cost case management software for human and social service providers. Michelle Beavan, Navigator, was kind enough to answer some questions, thanks Michelle!
Watch this space for more NZRise member showcases to come.
~ Bronnie
What does being a local NZ company mean to you?
We are really proud to be a NZ company. We all come out of the sector we work in so we know first-hand the pressures our customers face and we love being able to partner with them to find solutions to those pressures. As a NZ company we know we are directly contributing to supporting the 10 NZ families represented on our team and our work supports our customers in retaining funding and gaining new funding to deliver services to those people in the most need across NZ. That means our work contributes to better outcomes for NZ communities. That is a lot to be grateful for!
How has technology changed our relationships in your everyday world?
When we first started out we used to drive/fly all over the country meeting people face to face to try to sell them our software. Now we do most things by phone and online meetings. We have very active relationships with most of our customers using online training to keep in touch and keep them up-to-date. As a team we are spread across the country and most of our contact with each other is either by phone or online. Our business model is low cost due to the ways we can leverage technology.
What’s the biggest business lesson you’ve learnt?
To never compete with the competition but to keep our focus on the horizon instead.
Why did you get involved with NZRise?
I heard someone being interviewed on the radio and thought that NZRise was exactly the kind of group we needed to get involved in. I have always thought we were a bit small and specialised to actually participate in the discussion and we don’t have much to do with what’s happening in Wellington but I follow the conversations and it is great to be able to keep up-to-date with what is happening for everyone.
What problem does your company solve and for whom?
We provide client management software for the health & social services sector. This also incorporates outcomes reporting that encompasses both an RBA approach and a PCOMS approach. We are the only company in Australasia licenced for PCOMS and work directly with its creator, Barry Duncan.
If someone wants to know more about what you do, how can they contact you?
Via our website www.exess.co.nz or they can contact me directly – [email protected]
What do you find most challenging about being a NZ company?
With a Labour Government we have see a huge improvement in the way government departments engage with us as a NZ software company. The results are improved outcomes for our customers who have to meet their funding requirements. The most challenging issue for us is that this engagement is dependent on the government we have at any given time and the value they place on the sector we work in.