Meet, Greet and Share

Meet, Greet and Share

Wednesday 21st October 3.30pm-5pm Hosted kindly by Optimal BI Level 4, 139 The Terrace, Wellington, The Google Hangout for the meeting is here A chance to catch up with members, share some experiences and discuss current challenges. Take some time to spend with other...
NZRise Coffee Clinic

NZRise Coffee Clinic

am 25th September – Funicular, Cable Car Shopping Centre, Level 1, 282 Lambton Quay. Map The strength of NZRise is the people. We may all have different business with differing goals and objectives but we have a few things in common. We are Kiwi’s, our...

What Makes Health IT Different?

Wednesday 16th September 3.30pm-5pm Hosted kindly by Enspiral Dev Academy The Google Hangout for the meeting is here A discussion of data ownership, privacy, and the need to integrate with existing systems. Kevin is an ex-GP who has experience working with the NZ...
NZRise Coffee Clinic

NZRise Coffee Clinic

8am 28th August – Funicular, Cable Car Shopping Centre, Level 1, 282 Lambton Quay. Map The strength of NZRise is the people. We may all have different business with differing goals and objectives but we have a few things in common. We are Kiwi’s, our...
Procuring the Future

Procuring the Future

The MBIE/NZRise 2015 workshop on public sector procurement Thursday, 27 August 2015. 08:00-13:00. Venue: Te Wharewaka o Poneke, Wellington waterfront (map). NZRise and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) are holding a half-day session in...